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Towngas Cooking Channel
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Elementary Certificate Training Course in Chinese Cuisine For Housemaids

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(Please Refer to Chinese) (Onsite Practical) Carol Chan - 大大條磅蛋糕
Tutor:Carol Chan
13/2/2024 (Tue)
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(Onsite Practical) Mia HT - Elementary Certificate Training Course in Chinese Cuisine For Housemaids
Tutor:Mia HT
14/2/2025 (Fri)
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(Please Refer to Chinese) (Onsite Practical) - Pierre Paillé - IDE Pastry Workshop : Entremet Brownies, Chocolate and Vanilla
14/2/2025 (Fri)
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(Onsite Practical) Margaret 傅季馨 - Maple Syrup Griddle Pancakes
Tutor:Margaret 傅季馨
14/2/2025 (Fri)
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(Please Refer to Chinese) (Onsite Practical) Carol Chan - Knafeh巧克力與Knafeh曲奇
Tutor:Carol Chan
14/2/2025 (Fri)
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(Please Refer to Chinese) (Onsite Practical) Chef Heinz Fischer - Valentine’s Day Dinner (In Pair)
Tutor:Chef Heinz Fischer
14/2/2025 (Fri)
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(Please Refer to Chinese) (Onsite Practical) Cherol 李逸程 - 台式伴手禮 (親子班)
Tutor:Cherol 李逸程
15/2/2025 (Sat)
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(Onsite Practical) Jodie 區詠珊 - 全能包餅課程 6.0 第二課 Lesson 2 + 第三課 Lesson 3 (共兩課)
Tutor:Jodie 區詠珊
16/2/2025 (Sun)
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(Please Refer to Chinese) (Onsite Practical) 沈sir教煮 - 沈Sir奇妙雞煲
16/2/2025 (Sun)
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(Please Refer to Chinese) (Onsite Practical) Cinderella 邱笑玲 - 美麗如畫的蛋糕
Tutor:Cinderella 邱笑玲
17/2/2025 (Mon)

Towngas Cooking Channel

【新春創意賀年菜✨葡式濃海鮮湯配肉丸🥘】滴露 Dettol X 中葡混血大廚John Rocha | Towngas Cooking

【新春創意賀年菜✨葡式濃海鮮湯配肉丸🥘】滴露 Dettol X 中葡混血大廚John Rocha | Towngas Cooking

【🌟星級烘焙煮意-法國經典甜點 #達克瓦茲🤎】Kenwood X 泰山 | Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煑

【🌟星級烘焙煮意-法國經典甜點 #達克瓦茲🤎】Kenwood X 泰山 | Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煑

【皮酥肉嫩法式名菜✨#油封鴨🦆】Tempo X 法國IDE烹飪文憑課程校友 蜜兒 | Towngas Cooking

【皮酥肉嫩法式名菜✨#油封鴨🦆】Tempo X 法國IDE烹飪文憑課程校友 蜜兒 | Towngas Cooking

【🦪韓國直送生蠔 #法式菠菜芝士焗蠔 及 #刁草欖油魚露鮮蠔漬】九號水產 X Oreo Charm | Towngas Cooking

【🦪韓國直送生蠔 #法式菠菜芝士焗蠔 及 #刁草欖油魚露鮮蠔漬】九號水產 X Oreo Charm | Towngas Cooking

【自製懷舊港式風味✨ #港式鐵板牛扒配水牛脆薯波🥩】McCormick X 奄尖廚房Margaret Fu | Towngas Cooking

【自製懷舊港式風味✨ #港式鐵板牛扒配水牛脆薯波🥩】McCormick X 奄尖廚房Margaret Fu | Towngas Cooking

【🌟星級烘焙煮意 #濃郁開心果奶酥麵包💚】Kenwood X 泰山 | Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煑

【🌟星級烘焙煮意 #濃郁開心果奶酥麵包💚】Kenwood X 泰山 | Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煑

【🌟星級烘焙煮意 #楊枝甘露冰心包🥭】Kenwood X 泰山 | Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煑

【🌟星級烘焙煮意 #楊枝甘露冰心包🥭】Kenwood X 泰山 | Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煑

【滋味百變✨#烤雜菜蕃茄醬焗大啡菇🍅】百益 X 法國IDE糕餅文憑課程校友及素食達人 Elvis Chan | Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煑

【滋味百變✨#烤雜菜蕃茄醬焗大啡菇🍅】百益 X 法國IDE糕餅文憑課程校友及素食達人 Elvis Chan | Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煑

【夏日開胃前菜!#葡式Piri Piri香煎大蝦🦐 -Braun x John Rocha】| Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煑

【夏日開胃前菜!#葡式Piri Piri香煎大蝦🦐 -Braun x John Rocha】| Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煑

【Samsung x Jerry.C #經典法式士多啤梨蛋糕🍰】 | Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煮

【Samsung x Jerry.C #經典法式士多啤梨蛋糕🍰】 | Towngas Cooking 煤氣教煮

Towngas Cooking Centre

Frame 820
Lee Theatre
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Group 783
Chinachem Leighton Plaza
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